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Virtual Fundraising Event

What is a Virtual Event?

A virtual event is a fundraiser event similar to an in-person event, except your guests "arrive" at your event virtually online, and, using BetterUnite, they can view your event's live stream with an immersive desktop & mobile user interface.

Many aspects of a virtual event are identical to an in-person event. We have provided you with everything you may need to continue to run your events - the full functionality of BetterUnite's event module with the added features necessary for virtual events. For example, your guests register online, provide their guest information, preauthorize their card, view your silent and live auctions, participate in a live auction, perform paddles-up and fund-a-need activities, donate, and purchase any event offers all online. If you are providing a live-stream production or video, your guests will also be able to view your live-stream side-by-side with their event interaction and donation options without leaving the live-stream experience.

In addition, you can still continue to perform table and team management as well. You may choose to use this feature to provide virtual "tables" or teams.

How to setup a virtual event

Click the Start button on your Home, Fundraisers or Event pages, then select Virtual Event. Give your event a title, and then provide a few basics about your event. The details of a virtual event will be very similar to any other fundraiser or event with some minor differences.

You may notice that the virtual event does not have tickets listed. This is because each guest is expected to register themselves. This is slightly different than a regular event where it may make sense to provide tables or group tickets. In the case of virtual events, it is inherent that each guest is viewing the live event on their own device and hence is registered individually.

You will also notice that virtual and in-person events both have a Live-Stream section available. This is where you may provide the appropriate live-stream information when you have it ready. You will typically provide this information close to the start of your actual live event. At the time that you provide this information, your guests, when viewing their guest page on a desktop computer, will see an embedded video screen experience alongside their event user-interface showing auction items and donation options. Guests attending the event on their mobile device will be provided with a link to join the live-stream using the appropriate live-stream client on their mobile device (e.g. Zoom, YouTube Live, etc).

Once your event is launched, registered guests will receive a reminder notification 3 days prior to and 1 hour before your event begins. They will also receive an email and text notification, when they register, with their unique secure link to experience and participate in the event.

Considerations around Virtual Events and Auctions

If you are planning on providing a silent auction, live auction, fund-a-need/paddles-up, or event offers in your virtual event, you have the flexibility to provide these items to your guests at various times of your choosing. For example, you may "activate" your auction a few days before your actual live event begins, and allow your guests to view or bid/purchase items before the event begins. You may allow an auction to continue as long as you wish regardless of the event's start/end times. It is common that organizations planning a live auction, would make their live auction items View-Only before the event, and then activate them one by one as they perform the live auction.

Need Additional Help?

We're here to assist you in any way we can. Don't hesitate to reach out to

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