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Access and Discount Codes

When you create Items for Sale, Raffles or tickets for your fundraiser, you have the option to provide discount and access codes that can be tied to a specific set of raffles, items for sale or tickets, or to all of them. The content and examples below are about an event, however, same functionality applies to all campaigns.

A discount or access code is a short code that you can share with others, and upon your ticket, raffle ticket or item for sale buyer entering this code during the check out process, provides either a discount on the total amount for the applicable tickets or items, or shows a particular set of tickets/offers.

You can also put limits on the discount code so that it can only be used a specified number of times before it retires.

  • To enter Access and Discount Codes Click Edit Event on your Action Center.

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  • Click on Discounts & Access Tab as shown below.

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Access Code

  • On your Discounts and Access page, click Add Access Code.

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  • Access Code: a code that makes visible to your ticket buyer the selected offers/tickets upon entry. Note that you must create the applicable offer/ticket first, mark it as hidden, then associate the access code with that ticket.

  • Applies To: The Discount code can be applied to selected or all Raffle tickets and/or selected or all Items for sale and/or selected or all Tickets.
  • Member Access: Specify which member levels will have access to this discount.
  • Total Available: You can limit the number of times a discount can be used. Only finalized transactions will be counted.
  • Once you have entered relevant information for your Discount/Access code click SAVE.

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Discount Code

  • On your Discounts and Access page, click Add Discount Code.

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  • Discount Code: a regular discount code specifying a $ amount or a % amount for the selected offers/tickets.
  • Bulk Discount Code: determine a specified number of purchased offers before the bulk discount is activated. In this case, provide a "Minimum to Qualify" amount to indicate a starting point for this discount.
  • Discount Amount: Discount amount per item or you can enter a % discount per item in the next box.
  • Member Access: Specify which members will have access to this discount.
  • Applies To: The Discount code can be applied to selected or all Raffle tickets and/or selected or all Items for sale and/or selected or all Tickets.
  • Total Available: You can limit the number of times a discount can be used. Only finalized transactions will be counted.
  • Once you have entered relevant information for your Discount/Access code click SAVE.

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