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Auction Item Consignment


BetterUnite has teamed up with CharityACE, an auction item provider, to bring you premium auction items available without any upfront costs. This seamless integration allows you to present exciting packages to your donors. For more information, please visit


  • In BetterUnite, head to the Manage Auction page. 
  • Under Quick Links select Shop Auction Items. 
  • Here you can browse the different packages. You can filter packages by:
    • Categories
    • Min/Max Price 
    • Price Low -> High

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  • Click on the desired package to view the specific details. 
  • Select which specific package you'd like (if necessary).
  • If you decide you want to add this package to your auction click Source This Item.

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  • Confirm your personal details and hit Submit Consignment Request.

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  • A confirmation that your order has been submitted will appear. 
  • Click Import Item to add the package. 
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  • Read the important message before hitting OK.
  • This message is a reminder that you must follow through with CharityAce and look for their email in order to confirm your consignment agreement. Hitting Import Item will not guarantee a consignment agreement.  

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  • A confirmation will appear on the screen, informing you that the package has been added to your Auction Items. 

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  • Head to your Manage Auction page to view your new Auction Item!

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We're here to assist you in any way we can. Don't hesitate to reach out to

Let's go do some good.