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Auction FAQs

Can auction items be automated to change from View Only to Available for Bid or Purchase at a specific time and date? Or does someone have to bulk change the status manually?

Yes, please see advanced options section when editing the auction item for more options

What text bundle do I need to buy to send texts that "the auction is opening in one hour", and "the auction is open"?

This would be the Custom Messaging level (the one above basic messaging).  If you wanted to schedule these out or target a specific sub-set of guests, then you can go to a level higher at advanced messaging as well.

Can I make it so people can only register for one participant at a time (no guests)?

When adding the registration ticket, you can set the "Limit per order" to 1.

How much is sales tax set to? My donors will have to pay processing fees - is that 2% before sales tax?

Sales tax is not auto-calculated in the system as it will depend on where you are delivering the items. Typically for auctions, people will bid/buy and the item will go into their cart. When you are checking people out, you can apply sales tax in bulk at a rate you decide before you check out the carts.

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