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Auction Item Categories 

You can group your auction items in categories to allow easier navigation for your guests.

On your Auction page, click on "Item Categories" shown below.

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Add a New Category

  • When you click on Item Categories, below pop up window will be shown. In this window, click the link shown below to add a new Category.

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  • After you click Add  New Category, you can provide a name for the Category and press Save.

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  • Repeat this process for each category you'd like to add.

Assigning a Category to Auction Items

  • Click on Edit Item for each Auction Item that you want to categorize.

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  • Once you are in the Edit Item page you will see the category option. Select the appropriate category for your auction item. 

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Deleting a Category

  • Click on Item Categories option on your Manage Auction Page to Edit/Delete Categories.

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