Bulk Import Auction Items
If you have a large number of Auction Items to add to your Auction, you can use the Bulk Import Auction Items feature, rather than adding the auction items one by one.
If you have a large number of Auction Items to add to your Auction, you can use the Bulk Import Auction Items feature, rather than adding the auction items one by one.
- To Bulk Import, Auction Items click on Auction on your Edit Event page.
- Once on your Auction Manage page, click on Manage -> Import Auction Items.
- In the pop up window for Bulk Import Auction Items, you can either download the file template provided or if you already have a CSV file prepared you can use that as your import file. **The column titles do NOT have to match the field names. You can still map them to the appropriate field.**
- Below two snapshots show the fields that are included in the template. Fill out the necessary fields to start importing your file.
- Name: Name or title for your item.
- Description: Long Description of your Item.
- Item Type: Either enter Live or Silent in this field
- Item Number(optional): You can give a specific number to your Auction Items, if left blank, the system will auto-assign a number.
- Estimated Value(optional): Estimated value of your Auction Item.
- Category Name(optional): If you are using categories for your auction, you can provide the category name here.
- Minimum Bid/Starting Bid: Start amount for your Auction Item.
- Minimum Increment(optional): Provide only for silent Auction Item. If left blank the default will be $1.
- Reserve Amount(optional): Provide only for Silent Auction Items.
- Reserve Visible yes/no: You can provide Yes or No only for Silent Auction Item.
- Allow Bids yes/no: Provide only for Silent Auction Items.
- Allow Buy Now yes/no: Provide only for Silent Auction Items.
- Buy Now Price: Provide a Buy Now price only acceptable for Silent Auction Items.
- You can also provide the Item provider information and any post-purchase instructions on the same file as these fields can also be imported accordingly.
- Provider Name(optional): Provide the name and information of the constituent or company that provided this item.
- Provider Contact Info(optional): Contact Information for the person you are coordinating with for the provider.
- Solicitor(optional): Person(s) in your organization or otherwise who facilitated the accrual of item.
- External Reference Number(optional): Provider's or other internal reference number for this item.
- GIK Cost(optional): Provide Gift in Kind cost information if known.
- Item Location(optional): Provide location information; this can be for pick-up instructions or other logistical details.
- Post Purchase Instructions(optional): When a guest purchase or is awarded this item, the confirmation message will include these instructions. The same instruction will also be included in the confirmation email when the payment is processed.
- When your CSV file is ready, click on Browse Button and find your file to import.
- On this window, you can validate your Auction Items Import by reviewing the data and mappings and when ready, click on Import.
- If any issues come up, it will show up in the window below otherwise, all lines would state "Row Ok". To check your Imported Auction Items, click on Manage Auction as shown below.
- The below snapshots show the Auction Items that are imported. As a default, all imported Auction Items will be set to Hidden. When you are ready with your Auction Items, you can change this setting to either "View Only" or "Can Bid or Purchase" status and start activating your Auction Items.
- To check on your Imported Auction Items, click on your chosen Auction Item options and select Edit Item.
- In the below details, you can see that all the entered fields have been allocated to the correct boxes.
- For a set of available fields that you are available to import, please see Data Import Fields.
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