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Call Lists Overview

Call lists are a mechanism for outreach that an organization may use for fundraising, event planning, or volunteering opportunities. They allow the association of multiple contacts into groups, which can then be assigned to users for processing outreach efforts. A typical flow of call list management may work like this:

  • Admin creates multiple call lists, and assigns each call list to a user. Refer to articles below for further details on how to create call lists and how to add contacts to a call list.
  • Based on specific parameters, admin assigns contacts to each call list.
  • Admin sets status and due dates for call lists assigned to each user.
  • User opens their assigned call list and views the contacts that need to be reached out to.
  • User reviews the contact for background information.
  • User clicks on the contact to make the call and log activity results.
    • User may mark the attempt with the following status updates: Initial, Unreachable, Pending Response, Contacted, Pledged, Confirmed, Follow Up, Declined. 
    • User can log any details in the history and move on to the contact in the list
    • User can filter their call list by above statuses to perform any follow up activity
    • User may reassign the particular contact to another user if that makes sense
  • Admin closes call list as completed when all attempts are reviewed successfully.

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