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Can I award an auction item to multiple people?

You can award an auction item to multiple people.

Award an Item

  • Navigate to the Manage Auction Page.
  • Click on Award Item to award the item to the highest bidder.

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  • To award Item to other people click on View Bids option under the drop down next to Edit.

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  •  In the window below, you can choose another person to award the item to by clicking on "Actions" and selecting "Mark as Winning Bid."

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  • The Confirmation pop up window will ask you if you want to Re-award this item or Duplicate it. Click on Duplicate to award the item to your chosen guest.

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  • To check whether both your guests have their Auction Item rewarded to them, click on Guest Carts on your Event Dashboard page.

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  • For example, notice how Auction Item 10 is under both guest carts. 

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