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Contact Search

There are several ways of finding a contact or a set of contacts matching your criteria.

Quick Search

  • Locate the search icon () towards the top right corner of the top navigation menu, and click on it to show the search box.
  • If you start typing in your search criteria here, you will see a list of matching entries displayed underneath the search box.
  • Quick search will match on contacts based on their first name, last name, email address, and company name. The search will perform a partial match against the above fields.

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  • Click the "Contacts" top navigation menu to show the contacts area. This page displays all contacts you have in your organization, including donors, non-donors, attendees, or any contacts you may have uploaded or imported into the system. By default you will see a search box which will filter similar to a quick search.
  • You can search for a contact by their first name, last name, email address, and company name by simply typing in your search criteria in this box. The search will perform a partial match against the above fields.

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  • If your criteria is more granular than the above quick search, you can click Filter next to the search box to display more options. The search results will perform an "and" between all criteria you may select within these options. Below are the available filtering options in advanced search:
    • Keyword: quick search parameters to match on (name, email, company)
    • Total Donations (min-max): calculates the total amount of donations by each contact, and filters based on the amounts provided in this range. Each value is optional, so you can leave the field blank if you do not wish to put a limit. e.g. if you put in 100 in min field, and leave the max field empty, the search results will return contacts that have given more than $100.
    • Filter By Participation: This filter provides the ability to search based on whether a contact has donated to a particular fundraiser. Event tickets are also considered donations for the purposes of this search. You can also search for "Not Donated To" a particular campaign. One example of this option being used effectively is when user is trying to figure out the list of donors who have not yet purchased tickets for a particular event yet so as to drive possible email marketing push. Another set of options in this list is the "In" and "Not In" options. These filters cover campaign participation/attendance as opposed to any purchase or payments. Basically, it will cover any attendees to the chosen event that did not actually purchase the tickets (i.e. donation), but actually attended the event.
    • Last Donation (on or after, on or before):  this filter will search based on contacts' last donation date. It is a good way to understand which contacts have given recently, or have not given recently
    • Last Contacted:  filter based on email activity on the contact
    • Date of Birth: filter based on age
    • Tags: every contact can be tagged ad-hoc, and this filter can be used to search by tags you've already created in the system
    • Group: if you use the group functionality, then the groups you've created will appear in this list, and you can get a list of contacts in a group by selecting the group in this drop down list

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