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Event Communications

In the Edit Event page, under the Communications Tab, you can edit your various communications content that goes out to your guests.

Email Communications

  • Default Email Note: This message will go out to everybody that purchases a ticket, or registers for your event or makes a donation from your public event/campaign page. It will also itemize what they have received and calculate their fair market value if applicable. You can also insert merge text fields such as Donor First name, Donor Full Name, Donation Date, Donation Amount. The content area allows rich text content.

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  • Event Purchase Acknowledgement Email:  The content provided in this section provides the message to be emailed to your guests when they make donations or purchase items within the event. i.e. from their guest page, or in an in-person event. This acknowledgement is typically used to distinguish the messaging between a ticket purchase versus a fundraising activity by the donor. If this email content is left blank then the above Default Email content will be used instead.

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  • Event Reminder: You can provide specific content to be included in the event reminder notification sent by the system 3 days, 8 hours and 1 hour before the event. Your content below will be added to the reminder email, which will also include event information, guest link and ticket details.
  • Guest Info Request: 10 days as well as 4 hours before your event's start time, purchasers of multiple tickets may be sent an email reminder to provide information for their guests. This message is only sent if one or more guests in the purchaser's tickets are missing details. This message is intended as a help tool for you and the guests to improve the check-in process and completeness of guest information.

  • Pre-Authorization Reminder: You can provide specific content to be sent to all guests who have not yet registered their card on file. If the option below is blank or unchecked, then this email will not be sent. If checked, the email will be sent on the scheduled time below to all guests without a card-on-file.

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  • Post Event Guest Email: You can provide specific content to be sent to all guests after your event. This is typically used for "Thank you for attending" type of messaging. If the option below is blank or unchecked, then this email will not be sent. If checked, the email will be sent on the scheduled time below to all guests in your event.

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  • Email Banner Image: You can add a banner image at the top of all automated emails sent to your donors and guests. The maximum width for these emails is 600px, with the height automatically adjusted to maintain the aspect ratio. Please ensure your image looks good at this width. Optional. Max Width: 600px.

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SMS/Text Communications

  • Ticket Purchaser: When a guest purchases a ticket for your event or when a bidder registers for your auction, they will receive a text message on their phone (if provided) with the message template. Requires your event messaging to be turned on.

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  • Guest Check-in: When a guest gets checked into your event in-person, they can receive a text message on their phone (if provided) with the below message template. Requires your event messaging to be turned on.
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  • Custom: You can use the custom messaging features to send custom text messages or directly chat with your guests anytime. 

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  • Auction Acknowledgements
    • Auction Bid Acknowledgment: When a guest commits a bid, they are sent the following message on their phone as acknowledgement.
    • Auction Outbid Notification: When a guest's bid on an item is outbid by someone else, they are sent the following notification message on their phone.

    • Auction Winner Notification via Text/SMS: When a guest is awarded an auction item, they are sent the following notification message on their phone. If the auction item has any purchase instructions, then these instructions will also be included in this message.

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Internal Notifications

  • Purchase Notifications: Manage internal communications based on purchases or guest activity.
  • Guest Status Updates: Option to be notified when a guest attendance status is updated.

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  • When you are done with all your communication content press SAVE.

Communication Timeline

  • To preview the Communication Timeline click on the link shown below.

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Let's go do some good.