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Event Messaging

Each event has its own unique communication needs, so we have provided multiple options to accommodate texting and messaging needs.

Basic: $24**

  • phone number for 3 months (if not already)
  • system messages 
  • Basic Event Messaging Includes:
    • Registration confirmation & guest link
    • Check-in notification & guest link
    • Auction outbid notifications
    • Winning bidder notification
    • Purchased per event

**this option is strongly recommended for auctions or events that have an auction or raffle component

Custom Messaging: $49

  •  Ability to send custom text messages within this event or wherever, it includes 1,000 text messages:
  • Custom Messaging Includes:
    • Send Custom Text Messages to your guests
    • Re-send guest links to attend event online
    • Send Text Messages to contact groups
    • Access to Message history
    • Convert inbound numbers to contacts
    • Customize guest link email content
    • Customize ticket purchase acknowledgement text/sms
    • Custom Messaging is system-wide and can be used for all events

Advanced Messaging: $30 - Purchased per event

  • All of the above, plus ability to:
    • Schedule out messages ahead of time
    • Target a subset of your guests in your messages.
    • Chat directly with guests via their guest page
    • Faster message delivery
  • Once you have signed up for Custom Messaging, you will then have the option to sign up for Advanced Guest Messaging on a per event basis. 

Need Additional Help?

We're here to assist you in any way we can. Don't hesitate to reach out to

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