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Event Offers - Images and Dimensions

Public list view

  • Public view when accessed from the event page.


  • Maximum dimensions in list view: w184xh123 aspect Ratio: 1.5
  • The image will auto-adjust to keep aspect ratio consistent within the above dimension constraints. When viewed on mobile, the image will take up the full width of the screen, and the height will auto-adjust to keep the aspect ratio of 1.5. Any unused space will be padded with flat color.

Public View: Detail


  • Maximum Dimensions in the pop - up detail view:  w744 x h300.
  • The image will auto-adjust to keep aspect ratio consistent within the above dimension constraints.
  • When viewed on mobile, the image will take up the full width of the screen, and the height will auto-adjust to keep aspect ratio of 1.5. Any unused space will be padded with white color.

Guest Page View

  • View when guest is on their Unique Guest Page on a mobile device.


  • Varies based on mobile window size, typically around w196 x h130.  The mobile image will keep an aspect ratio of 1.5.  Any unused space will be padded with flat color.

Guest Page View: Detail

  • Visible when the guest clicks on the event offer.


  • Max Dimensions:  h300 x w100%
  • The image will auto-adjust to keep an aspect ratio of 1.5 within the above constraints.
  • When viewed on mobile, the image will take up the full width of the screen, and the height will auto-adjust to keep the aspect ratio.

File sizes

  • All image or video files associated with the event offer items are limited to a maximum file size of little less than 40Mb each.

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