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Google Analytics 

Google Analytics on your BetterUnite account

As traffic comes through to your campaign pages on the BetterUnite platform, it goes through Google Analytics associated with the platform. We provide for you the basic reporting provided by Google Analytics by filtering the results to your organization on your dashboard page.

What you are viewing on your dashboard are actual Google Analytics metrics, on a per campaign basis. This information gives you insight into where you are getting traction with your donation outreach or ticket purchases for your events. Google Analytics metrics will also help you understand the impact of any social pushes you may have made and help you make resource allocation decisions based on this data. The traffic source information will help you determine where your top referral sites are and whether other referral sites are effective or not.

You have your own Google Analytics account?

If you have your own Google Analytics account, we can directly send the information to your account where you can have more detailed and intensive information.  Go to your settings->profile area, and scroll down to the Google Analytics section for instructions on how to setup this connection. You can obtain your tracking id from your Google Analytics account as shown below.

If you have enabled Google Tag Manager on your Google Analytics account, you can also provide the container id in your profile and we will send campaign analytics to your account.

If you have a Google Analytics or a Google (GA4) Tag Manager account, you can put in the tracking id or GTM container id in your profile and we'll send analytics information to your account directly. Get your tracking id in your Google Analytics account, admin->properties area. If using GTM, get your container id from




Thank you for reading! Let's go do some good.