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How to modify check out form

When your donor/purchaser is checking out they fill out a form that at a minimum requires them to enter in their Full Name and Email address. If you want them to enter in more information you can choose from the already available fields or you can customize your form to include more specific information. 

  • To modify the check out form you will need to click on Checkout Options Tab in your Edit Event page as shown below.

Screenshot 2024-08-04 132955

  • When your donor is checking out, the required fields and the optional fields will be shown to them. You can toggle whether they are required or not. 
    • Optional: Fields marked as 'optional' will be shown to the donor as an 'optional' field during checkout 
    • Required: Fields marked as 'required' will be shown to the donor as a 'required' field during checkout

Screenshot 2024-08-04 133143

  • You can make your check out requirements more specific by clicking on Form Designer as shown below.

Screenshot 2024-08-04 133219

  • Form Designer allows you to add fields to include in the check out form. You can either choose from the Available fields or you can select New check out field to enter in a new field of your choosing.


  • You can also add a New Checkout Field in your Advanced Tab under Purchase Requirements section.

Screenshot 2024-08-04 133302

  • Once you click on New Check out Field the below pop up window will show. You can enter the Field Name and the Field Type here and click on Save Changes. The new field will now show in your Available Fields Section.

Screenshot 2024-08-04 133346

  • Once you are done adding new fields to your Available Fields section then drag the fields you want onto form to include in the check out form.
  • To add a Title to your check out form click on Insert Title and if you want add more detailed information in your check out form click on Insert paragraph as shown below.


  • Once you click on Insert Title and/or Insert paragraph, you will have two empty fields appear in your check out form to fill out as shown below. Once you are done with your Check out form click on Save Changes.


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