Item Donation Forms
Accept auction items or items for sale from donors and import them directly into your event.
Turn on this feature on your event and your donors can submit auction items or items for sale for you to include in your event. Steps are simple:
1) Create and activate your form on your event
2) Share the link to the donation form on your event
3) Donor submits item, including pictures
4) Review submissions and import as auction item and/or item for sale and/or in-kind donations
1) Setup your donation form
Click Add Form in your Edit Event page -> Donate Item Form tab.
Configure your form: you typically don't have to make any modifications and the system will display the default content.
Here is the default text that will be displayed if you don't customize the form. (where Spring Gala is an example event name).
2) Share the link to the donation form on your event
The form you created can be viewed by selected Save & Preview button. Use the url of your form and include it in your event content as you see fit.
The url for the form can be obtained from multiple places:
a) In your form editor area in edit event -> Donate item form tab, click the listed form's action button and locate the Copy Form Url option
b) In your event dashboard, share & embed options (shown below). Including the QR code in the QR codes tab on the share options window shown below.
c) In your manage auction page, under Quick Links tab on the left menu. (shown below)
3) Donor submits item, including pictures
Donors can provide:
a) Item name, description, estimated value, terms & restrictions
b) Donor contact information: email, phone, address. Donor can indicate if they'd like to remain anonymous, in which case the donor is marked as anonymous.
c) Item delivery/pickup instructions and additional notes
d) Add multiple images associated with the item
Donors can also continue to upload multiple items.
4) Review submissions and import as auction item or item for sale
When a submission is processed, the organizer will get a notification of the new submission and it will also be viewable on the event dashboard page.
Click View to manage full details of the submission.
You can import the submission as an auction item or an item for sale.
After you complete the import, you will need to review the imported item and finalize its details before activating the item. You can import multiple times.
You can also manage the status of the submission internally as you see fit.
Typically once you have reviewed the submission, you would process it by importing it or canceling it or archiving it.