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Look Up Guests

You can look up information about a guest, and modify guest's cart from the Guests page.

  • Click on Guest List on the Manage Event page. 

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  • When there are multiple guest or bidder records for the same contact, the Guests page will show a Show Duplicate Registrations link. When you click it, you’ll see all duplicate entries in the list. 



  • On the Guests page, you can either look up a guest or go down the list to find your guest.


  • Once you have found your guest, Click on the Guest Name to view their details.


  • Below snapshot shows the details of the guest that you have selected. On this page you can see the Guest's Cart, Edit their cart and see payment information.


  • You can add an item to the Guest's cart by selecting Click Here as shown below and selecting Click to Add Item.


  • You can choose an item from the dropdown list and add it to the Guest's cart.



  • Once added, it will show up in your Guest's cart as shown below.


  • Below snapshots shows information about each guest. If they have registered their card on file a card image will be visible under the guest's name.
  • It also shows whether they have checked in or not, if any tickets were purchased or if they are a part of a table/team. You can click View Guest you can see each guest in more detail.


  • Each Guest would also have an image or images next to their Action Column.
  • The first highlighted image is to see the contact record of the guest and the second highlighted image is to view the confirmation page and ticket details.


  • You can also click on Actions for variety of options:
    • Cash/Offline Purchase
    • Buy Tickets
    • Export File
    • Import Attendees


  • There’s also an Advanced Search option on the Guests page where you can search by additional criteria, including custom fields.

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