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My Auction or Event is Live, Where can I see the Donations & Purchases?

Some guests or donors may purchase or make donations directly from the event landing page where they will complete a full check-out. For completed transactions like these, you will see them in Giving->Transactions page as shown below.



Most of your guests will interact with your event from their unique guest page, and they may make purchases or donations on that page. These can be considered as "in-event purchases" and they will be added to the guests' shopping carts instead of immediately charged. This way they get charged once (typically the org charges everyone at the end of the event), and they will show up in the transactions page when they are charged. Until then, they will be displayed in the shopping cart of your event accessible from your event dashboard.

You can access the guests shopping carts by clicking on Guest Carts under Action Center.


In the below pop up window you can see all your guests shopping carts. When ready you can check out your guest's shopping carts in order to charge them.




Thank you for reading! Let's go do some good.