PayPal Sign Up
When adding a new PayPal processor to your account and clicking the PayPal button to continue onboarding, you will be prompted with a series of merchant onboarding questions related to your organization. You have the option of connecting to your existing PayPal account during the sign up process below. This process must be completed before you can start accepting donations. Below is a sample path of a typical onboarding experience to help you prepare the necessary information ahead of time.
Here are the agreements referenced in the above step:
- You've read PayPal's User Agreement, Privacy Statement, and E-Sign Disclosure and consent to receive all communications electronically.
- You've read and agree to our Online Card Payment Services Agreement and PayPal Alternate Payments Agreement.
- You permit BetterUnite to perform some actions to make sure PayPal works on your site. These will include viewing account info and managing payments on your behalf. View all activities BetterUnite can perform. You can change BetterUnite permissions in your Settings anytime.

- Congratulations! You’ve successfully added your PayPal account to BetterUnite. With this integration, you can now seamlessly process donations, manage payments, and keep your fundraising efforts running smoothly.
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