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Process a Pledge for an Event

Pledge Functionality is used when someone buys a ticket or makes a pledge for a donation and you need to provide the ticket or log the pledge, even though you have not received any payment for it yet or you have received only a partial payment. One of the main ways that this process can be started with is an Offline Donation.

  • To enter an offline donation click  Add Offline Purchase or Pledge on your Manage Event page.

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  • In the example below you are selling a Sponsorship ticket and it's $220 and the person giving this donation or pledge, but have not paid yet.
  • To add a pledge, Untick Payment Received on the Add offline donation page. 

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  • Tick the box Add a pledge. Enter in the Pledge amount, Expected Payment Date and the Pledge Note and click Save Contribution. 

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  • The payment amount shown on confirmation page would be $0 since no payment was received.

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  • You can now see that the transactions page has an additional filter. where you can search by payments which have pledges associated with them.
  • In this case search by No payments yet

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  • If you click the donation $0 note icon, you can see that this donation has $0 but there is a pledge on it and no payments have been received on it yet.

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  • Below is the pledge record, where it shows when it was created, the expected payment date, the note that was put in, it's associated with this event, and nothing has been paid for it yet.
  • Regular pledge functionality applies where you can add existing ones but  for this one you are going to take a payment by clicking on Take a payment,

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  • After you click the Take Payment button, you will be taken to the check out page where you can enter a payment amount and put the credit card details in. The checkout page shows the pledge amount and the pledged items
  • Once this transaction is completed, the transactions list will include a payment for the paid amount.

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  • You can go to the pledge page and see any applied payments.

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  • You can also View Payment link and send this to the person for payment.

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  • You can send payment instructions to the person who pledged or add additional recipients by separating their emails with a comma. You have the option to modify the default message or use the provided link to send it through your own email.

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  • Once you customize your message and recipients, click on Send Email as shown below.


  • The Donor would receive the below email which would contain the link to complete their payment.
  • Once they click this link they will be taken to the checkout page where they can complete the payment.


  • On the payment page you can see how much was pledged and also the previous payment made and the total remaining amount. 


  • On the pledge record it would show the pledge amount and the amount received. In this example, the pledge has been fully paid.

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  • When you go back to the Transactions page the $0, will not have the pledge icon next to it any longer since the pledge is paid. 

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  • You can also go to your Pledges page and filter it as Paid and see the pledges that were paid in full.

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