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Run a Raffle

Raffle module allows you to create raffle items for preview and raffle tickets (single or group) for purchase. Once purchased, your guests can allocate each of their raffle tickets into a drawing for any of the raffle items. At the end of your event, you can perform a random drawing for each raffle item.

Set Up

  • To add Raffle Items and Raffle tickets for your event click  Edit Event in your Action Center.

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  • Click on Raffles tab to access Raffle options. To add a raffle item click  Add Raffle Prize as shown below.

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  • On the Add New Raffle Prize pop-up window you can enter the relevant details.
  • Title: Name your item
  • Description: Brief description of your Raffle Item.
  • Visible In: In this section, you can select where you want the Raffle Prize to be visible. Guest Pages Only, Public Pages Only, or Everywhere (both Guest and Public Pages).
  • Available Status: For each raffle prize you can either select "Available" which would allow guests to allocate their raffle tickets to this prize or "Not Available (no ticket allocations)".
  • Once you have entered the information Click SAVE.
  • On this pop-up window, you can also add or edit your images without having to click out of the window.

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  • Your Raffle Items will show under the Raffle Items section. In this section you can also upload an image by clicking Images as shown below.

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  • In the Manage Images pop-up window, you can add an image, make any of the images your primary image or delete an image.

Raffle Ticket

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  • You can add a raffle ticket by clicking on Add Raffle Ticket.

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  • After selecting Add Raffle Ticket, you will be presented with several different fields to enter. 
  • First you can toggle the status between, Allow Purchase, Hidden, and View Only. 

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  • Title: Enter the Name of your Raffle Ticket.

  • Amount: Enter the minimum $ amount for donors to qualify for this registration. If you are offering this for free leave the amount at $0.

  • Available In: Select where you want the Raffle ticket to be available.

  • Type of Registration: Indicates if this ticket is a single ticket or a bulk ticket that consists of other tickets.

  • Description: Enter in a description for your Raffle ticket.

  • Visible In: Select where you want the Raffle ticket to be visible.

  • Limit Per Order:  If you want to limit the number of Registrations per Purchase enter it here. If limitless leave it blank. 

  • Show After: If you set a date here, this item will not be shown for purchase before this date. 
  • Hide after: If you set a date here, this item will not be shown for purchase after this date. 

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Raffle Options

  • Valid Entry for: Choose whether you want this ticket to be available for All Raffle Prizes or Selected Raffle Prizes. 

Advanced Options

  • Fair Market Value: Provide a fair market value for the item if applicable. 
  • Donation Fund: Select which donation fund you'd like the proceeds to go to. 
  • Show Total: If checked, the total purchased amount of this item will be displayed to the guest or the donor. 
  • Show Available: If checked, the total purchased quantity of this item will be displayed. e.g. 2 available.
  • Allow Pledge: If checked, public donors will be able to purchase this item as a pledge, without a payment. 
  • Auto-tag Contacts: Upon purchase of this item, the purchaser contact and all guests contact records will be tagged with the provided tags.
  • Auto-tag Payments: Upon purchase of this item, the transaction record will be tagged with the provided. 
  • P2P Access: You can determine if this item will show on master or child campaign pages. By default the item will be shown on both pages.

Access Options

  • Raffle tickets have similar Access Options to Raffle Items with the exception of Can Purchase. Select Can Purchase option if you want your guests to be able to purchase these tickets.

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  • To add Images to your Raffle Tickets select Edit Images as shown below.

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  • Guests can purchase Raffle tickets and View Raffle items on their Guest Page.
  • Guests will need to click on the Raffles option to view and purchase raffle tickets. This section also allows your guests to view the Raffle Items.

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  • Once your guest clicks on a raffle ticket the below pop-up window will show.

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  • Your Guest can Click BUY and purchase tickets here. They can choose the quantity of tickets to purchase.

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  • Once purchased  your guest can access their account and allocate their purchased tickets to Raffle Items of their choosing. Your Guest will click on Allocate Raffle Tickets as shown below.

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  • On the Allocate Raffle Tickets page they can choose between the raffle prizes on offer. The guest can choose to allocate their raffle ticket/s to the prizes shown by clicking on the plus sign shown next to them.
  • Once they are done they will click Save Changes. Raffle Prize images will also be visible to Guests on this page. 

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  • Guests also have the option of purchasing Raffle Tickets and Viewing Raffle Items on the Event Landing Page.

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  • Once you are ready you can start your Random Drawing. In your Action Center click on Random Drawing as shown below.

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  • In the Random Drawing pop up window when you are ready to perform the raffle draw, you should pause the raffle activity.
  • This will ensure guests can no longer change their ticket allocations and the raffle tickets are disabled.

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  • Select the Raffle Item that you want to draw for and click Draw Winner to find a random winner.  
  • This will select a winner from all purchasers of tickets that allocated their ticket to the selected item.
  • Random winners are saved and displayed but you can still keep drawing as it just remembers the last time you drew a winner on each item as displayed below.

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  • Click on Export Results to export the random drawing results as shown below.

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  • You can also find a report on the Random Drawing results under the Reports Tab -> Event Reports section.

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Need Additional Help?

We're here to assist you in any way we can. Don't hesitate to reach out to

Let's go do some good.