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Table Management

BetterUnite makes grouping your event-goers into tables or teams easy.

  • On the Manage Event Page click on the Tools tab and then select Tables.

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Search Contacts:

  • On the left side of your page, you will see listed everyone who has purchased a ticket, been added as an offline ticket purchase or registered to the event.
  • You can use the Search Contact field at the top of that list to find one particular contact and you can also filter by Unseated or Seated.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 141005

Adding Tables:

  • Click Add Table as shown below to begin creating, naming, and numbering tables. The number of seats at the table is always editable. For further details on how to add tables, refer to the help article below.


Table Captain:

  • When you are adding a table, optionally, it will ask you to enter in a Table Captain.


  • Below screenshot shows that the Captain for Table 3 is Michelle. If you click on the Name, and this person is in your contact list, you can choose the contact card that is associated with this person.


  • The Captain's name will turn Blue. You can also select Notify Contact so that when someone is entered into Michelle's table, she will be notified by email.


Move Registrations:

  • Once your table has been created, just drag and drop the ticket buyer or guest listed to the leftover into the table.


  • You also have the ability to expand and drag out individual guests from the registration list on table management page.


  • Once you move the specific guest onto a table, the table icon will appear on the left.  When you mouse over the table icon on the left, it will show you the table this guest is assigned.
  • The purchase of “table of 8" shows up twice, one on the left area as unassigned and the other on the right in the New York table. This is because one of the guests, only Rita Wilson, has been assigned to a table.
  • If the registration has some seated and some not, then you’ll see that the number in the pink is split to show this. In this example that 7 of the 8 are not seated yet.


Moving Tables:

  • You can move tables around to arrange them alphabetically, by color, by room location, etc. 


Deleting a Table:

  • To delete a table, click on the Edit Button and select Delete table. Once the table is deleted all the guests on that specific table will end up in the unseated list on the left of the page.


Hiding a Table:

  • The system also allows you to hide tables. To hide any table click on the Edit Icon and select Hide Table.


  • The Hidden tables can be accessed anytime as shown below.


Tagging a Table:

  • You can tag each table visually with colors. To choose a color for each table, click on the Edit Icon -> Tag color and choose the color that you need.


Locking a Table:

  • When you are creating tables, they will be in draft mode. When you are done with a specific table you can change the status to locked.
  • Locking the Table does not have any functional impact, however it does help to visually indicate that you are "done" with that table when assigning and working on your tables.


Moving Guests from Tables:

  • You can separate out guests from their initial ticket group. In this example, if Taylor purchased the tickets but Tom no longer wants to be seated next to Taylor, you would simply click on the arrow next to the ticket to expand the registration and move Tom's registration to another table.


  • To drag any of the contacts to a different table hold the dotted icon and drag the contact to another table.


Edit Registrations:

  • You can edit the registration for each purchaser by clicking on the three dots next to their contact line->Edit Registration as shown below.


  • On the Registration Pop Up window, you can enter in Guest Names, Change Status for each guest
  • ( RSVP'd Checked In, Not Attending, etc.), remove a guest or click on Edit Registration to change the number of guests for this specific table.


Undo/Action History:

  • You can now Undo moves within table management.  Action History logs all moves, including registration AND individual guests in & out of the tables.
  • With the historical view, you can undo any particular past action.
  • The undo history is remembered while you’re logged in the session. It goes away when you close the window and get out.
  • The undo only applies to moves. If you delete a table, or edit a registration, there’s no undo for that.
  • When you start moving registrations around the Action History button will be visible. You can click on it to see the History. In this example below, Taylor Smith's registration is moved to Table 1. 


  • The next move was Camille Smith's Registration moved to Table 2.


  • The Action History will also log any movements between tables. It will show which table it moved from and to which table it moved to.


  • You can also undo actions anytime by clicking on Undo as shown below.


  • In this example undo button has moved Taylor Smith's registration back to Table 1.


  • To clear History and log new moves and remove old moves click on Clear History as shown below.


  • Once the History is cleared, Action History button will disappear until you move new registrations around.


Table Management Tools:

  • From your Table Management page, you can click on Manage Event button to easily go to your Manage Event Page. 
  • Under the Actions button you have several options.
  • Register Offline Ticket Purchase: If you click this option you will be taken to the offline transaction checkout page where you can enter an offline transaction for a particular contact.
  • Purchase Ticket(s): If you choose this option it will take you to the public facing checkout page where you can purchase tickets on behalf of someone else with their card details.
  • Manage Guests: This option will take you to the Guest Check-In page where you can check in your Guests.
  • Print to File: This will allow you to export your guest list including their table numbers.
  • Import Attendees: You can use this to import attendees for your event.
  • Auto-arrange Tables: This will sort all tables (number and name), and spread them to columns evenly.


  • The Filter option allows you to filter your tables in a variety of ways. 
  • Show All: This filter will show all your tables whatever the status might be.
  • Show Empty Seats: This filter will show all the tables that are not full. For example if you have a table at a max. seating of 10 and all 10 seats are on the table then this filter will not show this table.
  • Show Full Tables: This will only show the full tables.
  • Show Tables in Draft Status: Any tables that are still in draft status will be made visible with this filter. Locked tables will not be shown.
  • Show Tables in Locked Status: All the tables that are in locked status will be visible. Any tables that are in Draft Status will not be shown.


  • Seat Options are used if you are providing seat numbers or other location assignment to your guests. As a default this will be turned off. When you click Seat Options you can select Track Seat Options if it is required for your event.



  • Team Management is essentially the same thing as Table Management - all of the same functionality exists as you organize your guests into teams. And you don't need to choose - if your scavenger hunt ends with a seated dinner, you will be ready and organized!

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