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Charging Auction Bidders 

There are several ways to charge the credit cards of auction item winners or purchasers. Please note that the system does not automatically charge any bidder or purchaser, even when the auction is closed. This is an intentional feature to allow the organizers to review each item, the bids and bidders, and charge the winning guests.

At anytime during or after your auction, you can review the bids, or items that are purchased, and process payments. Purchased items (Buy Now items) will automatically be marked as Purchased. 

Award Items

  • However, bid items will be marked as awarded by the organizer, typically at the end of the event, after all bids have been received. This is done by clicking the "Award Item" button.

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  • An item can be either awarded or purchased, but this does not necessarily mean that the payment was processed yet. Processing the payment is a separate action you need to take intentionally on each item.
  • For Awarded items (i.e. bid items that were marked as awarded), when you mark the item as Awarded, you have the option to charge the highest bidder and charge their card. 
  • Alternatively, you can click "View Bids" for the auction item, and in the pop up window select the winning bid (this does not have to be the highest bid, e.g. highest bidder may decide not to go through with it), and choose the option charge their card at that point.

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  • You can also Bulk Award Auction Items instead of Awarding them one by one. Refer to article How to Award Bulk Items for further details. 

Charge Items

  • Awarded Items and buy now (purchased) items are put in winner’s shopping cart. You then need to go to the shopping cart to  check them out and process their payments.
  • This process also is a way to make sure if someone bought multiple items, they are checked out once, and they get an itemized receipt. For more details see article Guest Carts.

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