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Default Campaign: Donate Now page (or Always On)

Your Default Campaign page should be considered a landing page for your account within BetterUnite and a Donate Now page for your organization's website. Rather than having a basic form, we recommend that this page be used as your Donate Now page, linked to the Donate Now button on your organization's website. Take some time and make it look great! This page will not only show off your amazing mission and organization. It will also give your donors a list of all active campaigns, events, membership pages, and volunteer pages - basically, any way in which a prospective donor can interact with your organization. 


  • Start by clicking on the Giving Pages Button on the top of the screen. 

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  • Select which campaign's giving page you'd like to setup. 

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  • Click on the Edit Giving Page button. 

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  • Answer the questions and customize the content.

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 Checkout Options

  • Donor Checkout Requirements: BetterUnite and your payment processor (PayPal or Stripe) only require a full name and email address to process a donation. We understand that you might want more information from your donors and here is where you can ask for that data.

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  • Our pre-selected donor information fields are listed here and can be asked of your donors before they complete their transaction optionally or as a requirement.
  • *Quick Tip: These fields will be presented to your donor before they are able to check out (in other words, before they can give you money). Ideally, there are as few roadblocks to a donation as possible. But it is important for you to balance your donors' need for expediency with your organization's need to collect data about your donors, both for purposes of reporting and demographics and for stewardship.

Giving Levels

  • This is optional for your Donate Now page. If you would like to provide Giving Levels and offer predetermined amounts and your organization's work with specific funding amounts, list and describe them here.
  • BetterUnite will still allow your donors to click on a predetermined number or enter a custom amount.

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  • The Default Email Note is the perfect opportunity to send your 501(c)(3) tax acknowledgment letter to your donors. Just below the text box, you'll find Insert Merge Text which you can use to input the date of the donation, your donor's name, and the donation amount.

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  • Use Pre-Checkout Commentary if there is anything that you need your donors to see before they checkout (for example, election commission language).

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  • Use Post-Checkout Commentary to communicate a particular message to your donors after they complete their donation (for example, a redirect to your website or a call to action for volunteers or social shares).

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  • Support Recurring will be pre-selected as an option on your Default Campaign. If you are using your BetterUnite Default Campaign page as the Donate Now page on your website, it is advisable to leave this on as an option for your donors - this will give them the option to make their donation a monthly, recurring gift to your organization. You can, however, uncheck this box to make the only option a one-time gift.


  • Select Make Recurring Default if you prefer to have your Always On donors encouraged to a monthly recurring donation as opposed to a one-time gift.


  • If you have created specific Giving Levels, you might want to hide the Suggested Donation amounts buttons. 
  • Suggested Donation $: If you decide to leave the Suggested Donation buttons visible but you don't like the pre-selected dollar amounts, you are here able to customize those amounts.


  • Custom Label for Donation Levels: Giving Levels? Donation Amount? Whatever verbiage you prefer for the Giving Levels on your Default Campaign page can be customized here.


  • Maximum Donation Limit: when this is necessary and appropriate, set the limit here.



  • You would have already created a PayPal or a Stripe Account within your online funding page (Settings-> Online Funding). If you are connected with Stripe you will only have one Stripe Account. (The Stripe account that was set up in your online funding page)


  • Configure Fee Assignment: you can select who pays the service fees. Click HERE to learn about the BetterUnite and payment processor fees).

Embed Forms

  • You can create compact embeddable versions of your campaign to use as a Donate Now Button or a Compact Donate Form to incorporate into your website without writing any code. 
  • For more information please see the article. Embed Forms & Buttons.

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  • Here is an example of a Default Campaign or Donate Now page:


Need Additional Help?

We're here to assist you in any way we can. Don't hesitate to reach out to

Let's go do some good.