Edit Campaign: Event Offers Tab
Under the Event Offers tab you will have options to enter in Giving Levels as well as Items for Sale. Create giving levels if your campaign has Fund-A-Need types of asks. For example, in a fund-a-need or a "paddles-up" event segment, the organizer or the auctioneer may ask the guests for various levels of giving. Once defined, you can either use these amounts to log the giving levels, or you can expose these levels to the guests, and they can also give these amounts via their campaign page as well. Giving levels are typically predetermined giving amounts that you will be asking your donors to provide before or during your campaign.
Refer to article on Giving Levels as per below.
There are various types of fundraising activities that take place during a typical fundraising campaign. These can also include Items for Sale which can be directly bought by the Guest.
Refer to article below for more information.
In your Event Offers Tab you can also change your Event Offers Banner and enter in a Banner Headline which will be displayed on top of the public Event Offers page.
Refer to below article for more information how to change the Event Offers Page Banner Image.
How do I change the Event Offers page banner image?
Relevant articles as per below:
Thank you for reading! Let's go do some good.