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End a Silent Auction

If you have an Auction as part of your event and you want to End your Auction, follow these steps:

End Auction

  • Head to the Manage Auction Page. 
  • Click on Status >  End Auction.

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Award Items

  • Once you have Ended your Auction you can either review and mark each item as awarded individually or click on Award All To Highest Bidders as shown below. 
  • Once the auction item is awarded those items get added to the guests shopping cart along with anything else that they may have participated in.

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  • Bulk award all items will show up as a list, you can exclude some if you want by unchecking the boxes. Once you are ready with the Bulk Award list click Award Selected Items.
  •  On this pop-up window you can also decide to notify the selected bidders or uncheck the option so that the bidders do not get notified and if the selected bidders have not registered a card, the 2nd option of include payment instructions will also appear as a checkbox.

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  • To Award Auction Items individually, click Award Item as shown below on each item.

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  • If you click the option Mark as Awarded from the drop-down list you will get more options.

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  • In this pop-up window, you can choose to notify the bidder or uncheck the option to prevent notification. If the bidder hasn't registered a card, the "Include payment instructions" checkbox will also appear. Additionally, you have the option to mark it as "Awarded Only" and select the winning bid later.

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Check Out

  • Once you have awarded your items you can check out the guest carts. You can navigate to Check Out page by clicking on Check Out as shown below.  This button simply takes you to the Guest Carts page of your event.

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  • Now your guest carts should be up to date with all of the purchases including all the auction item winners.
  • In your guest carts page, review all cart contents and check out each guest cart, processing payments or you can also do a Bulk Checkout as shown below. Refer to article "Guest Carts" for full details on how to do this. 

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Need Additional Help?

We're here to assist you in any way we can. Don't hesitate to reach out to

Let's go do some good.