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How to Import Donations

BetterUnite allows you to easily import donations, manage donor data, and streamline transactions. This article covers features for uploading CSV files, mapping records, and sending bulk receipts.

Import Donations

  • You can import the donations to your BetterUnite Account by clicking on GIVING menu and selecting Transactions.

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  • Once you are on the transactions page, select Upload From a File option under the More button.

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  • If you already have a CSV file prepared, you can upload this document by either clicking on Browse Button or dragging your file to the Browse Button Box shown below. If you don't already have your file prepared, click on download a file template, fill out the relevant information and upload it.
  • Please be sure to read the instruction provided on this page. Note that you can include contact information in full in this file and import it all at once without needing a Donor Import first. However, we recommend first performing a donor import to ensure your baseline of donors is in place and de-duplicated or cleansed first.


  • In the example below, the template is used to enter in a donation. Donation amount, Date, First Name and Last Name, and E-mail address are entered.


  • In this pop-up window, you can see the drop-down lists show existing fields on a donation record that can be mapped. This mapping exercise aims to align the columns in your file with the fields in BetterUnite donation records.
  • Regardless of what your CSV column is titled, you can map it to a donation record field. If you use our template, the mapping is easier because it'll automatically match the column names. 


  • Once you fill out the relevant information for all the donations you want to import, drag this file into the Browse Box. Then, In the pop-up window below, click Import.
  • Review the results and any issues and click Done.


  • To check over the donations you have imported, go back to your Transactions page, where you can see your newly imported donations.
  • After importing your transactions, you can bulk send receipts to these donors. Simply click on Transactions and select the transactions you'd like to send receipts for, and the Bulk Actions button appears, with the option to Re-Send Receipts.  It will do the same as if you opened each payment record by clicking the view button and selecting the “Re-send Receipt” option.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 11.13.50 AM


For a set of available fields that you are available to import, please review this article here.

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