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Suggested Event Talking Points for Guests Using BetterUnite

Every event is different, but describing to guests how they should interact with the technology pulled in to manage your event, or the "guest experience", as we describe it within BetterUnite, is a good idea regardless.

There are several different times in your event and different reasons or use/cases that you may want to encourage guests to engage with their BetterUnite guest experience page.


Use text messaging, emails and automated reminders to encourage guests to your upcoming event to take a look at their personal guest experience page. All text messages that are sent through BetterUnite for your event have that guest's guest experience page link appended to them. So you can use language like:

"Click the link and checkout our silent auction! Preauthorize your card now so that you're ready to start bidding right away on Saturday."


"Take a look at the exciting event offers that will be offered at the Gala by clicking this link! We can't wait to see you on Friday!"



At the registration table, as your check-in staff and volunteers are greeting guests, they will have the opportunity to send each guest their personalized link. This link can (and should!) contain all of the fundraising activations for your event, as well as the guests' table number and/or name, team number and/or name, their paddle/bid number (if assigned). The body of the automated text can also provide the table and/or team name and/or number, if you leave the pre-checked box on the blue check-in screen ticked (see the screenshot below): 

Image 4-2-24 at 3.55 PM

Check-in staff should explain the text that they are sending as a part of the check-in script (Check-in Instructions) .

"I am sending a text to you now that has your guest experience link. Click through the link in your texts to see your table number and to participate in our silent auction, view the live auction items and purchase raffle tickets."

You can also encourage guests to preauthorize their credit card themselves through the link:

"Go ahead and click the link that I just texted to you so that you can preauthorize your credit card. You'll need to do that to participate in all of the fun and fundraising activities for this event."

During Event

From the event stage, you may want to have speakers encourage guests to view the live auction, donate, bid or purchase items through their guest experience link using language like the following:

"Click the link that was texted to you at check-in. You can bid on silent auction items, view the live auction packages and make donations with one click!"

"Make sure to checkout the silent auction! Click the link that we texted you at check-in to bid - the auction will close at 10pm."

"Read all of the details of the live auction packages by clicking through the link that you were texted at check in. Our live auction is starting at 8p and we want you to be ready to go!"

At the silent auction display, if you have presented the BetterUnite auction item QR codes, you can have  displayed signage that says: 

"Click the link that we sent you at check-in to bid on auction items. If you don't have your link, scan the QR code and enter your phone number in the Already Registered field to be taken to your personal bidding page."

If you're ending your silent auction during your event, you can say from the stage:
"The silent auction is now closed! If you are the winner of a silent auction item, you will receive a text message letting you know the item name and number. Please proceed to the front of the room to checkout and receive your items."

Encourage raffle participation by saying from the stage:
"Join in the raffle fun! Click the link that we sent you at check-in to view the raffle prizes and buy tickets. You will also drop your virtual tickets in virtual buckets right there on your phone! We will draw the winners at 9pm."



Thank you for reading! Let's go do some good.