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When do Guests get Sent Their Guest Link?

Upon purchase

  • Your guests will be sent their link upon registration or ticket assignment unless you change the options for this.
  • Click on Edit Event on your Manage Event page.

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  • Select Guest Experience Tab and find the option for Guest Link Visibility.
  • If this option for Guest Link Visibility is left  to Default, guests will be provided their guest link upon registration or ticket assignment.
  • You can change this option to Upon Purchase or Upon Check-in as shown below.

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Guest Messaging

  • You can send your guests their unique guest link using the Guest Messaging Service under your Guest Messaging Tab.
  • You can choose to Email Guest Links or Send Text/SMS Messages to Guests to sent your guests their  unique guest link as shown below.

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Event Reminder

  • Your guests will be sent their guest link 3 days, 8 hours, and 1 hour before event (virtual & auction), or 3 days and 8 hours before a regular event). See the detailed article Does the System Remind Event Guests About the Upcoming Event?
  • In your Edit Event page under Communications tab, you can write a specific content for the Event Reminder to be sent to your guests as shown below.
  • The guests will be sent an automated reminder with their guest link included unless you tick the box to turn this option off.

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Multiple tickets purchase or when updating ticket holder

  • When someone purchases a ticket, we assume they are the ticket-holder for the first ticket in their purchase.  However, they can always change the ticket holder after purchase. Also if they purchase multiple tickets, we'll assume the purchaser is the first ticket holder, they can change this slot, as well as provide guest information for the additional slots available in their purchase.  
  • When the purchaser updates the ticket holder information on each slot, the new guest will be notified of their guest link. If the ticket holder was someone else previously, then this will be replaced by the new ticket holder. Any previous ticket holder guest pages will be invalidated.
  • In the example below 2 tickets are being purchased, where the purchaser will receive their guest link based on this.


  • The purchaser can then Edit the guest information for both the first ticket and the second ticket.
  • Based on the new ticket holder information that is entered for both tickets, the guests will be sent their unique guest link accordingly.

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