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Event Management Overview

The BetterUnite Event Management tool is truly unique - very customizabile to your particular event, while being user-friendly and easy to manage. There are quite a lot of features, though. We'll review them here so that you can make sure that you're not missing out on anything that could increase revenue and fundraising with your next event.

Event Overview

Getting Started

  • Go to Fundraisers
  • Click on Start 
  • Select Start an Event
  • Choose what type of event you are creating
  • Give your event a concise and memorable name


The Basics are the basics and pretty self-explanatory, so just do your best to fill out the fields that you can. Upload an image, choose a video to share and link your social accounts or pages. A couple of things to note:

  • Funding Goal is optional. If you choose to establish a funding goal but don't want to make that public, go to Advanced > Hide Funding Goal and choose that option. If you do leave the funding goal visible, there will be a thermometer line that increases toward your goal as you sell tickets that your donors/ticket-buyers can see.
  • What are Multiple Showtimes? If your event occurs on several days or on one day at multiple times (like a performance or production), BetterUnite enables you to keep all of this in one event. What are Event Multiple Showtimes?.


  • Easily add content and describe your event. Perhaps at the top you include an invitation that your designer has built or you've created on Canva.
  • Maybe there's a paragraph description and an image or logo or video or even some Facebook content. Fleshing out the content box will set the tone of your event, get your ticket-buyer excited about what they are considering attending and perhaps create excitement around the upcoming event. 
Guest Experience:
  • Guest Experience tab allows you to choose all the options that relate to how your guests will experience your campaign. Under this tab, you can choose to select whether you want allow participants to provide their payment information after they purchase their ticket. Check the box  Pre-Auth On Check Out to allow this option.  This is recommended for in-person events especially, in order to cut down on the time during check-in.
  • If you would like to allow purchases without a card on file check the box as shown below. If you allow purchases without a card, then the guests can make these purchases from their guest page without pre-authorizing their card, and you will need to contact them after your event in order to obtain their payment information.
  • You can make your selection for the Guest link visibility by choosing an option from the dropdown menu. Each guest has their own unique campaign link where they can participate in your campaign's fundraising activities. You can decide when or if your guests are provided their links. The options listed are Upon Purchase, Upon Check-In or Never. If this option is left blank, guests will be provided their guest link upon registration or ticket assignment.
  •  As part of the Guest Experience options you can control the default and the ordering of fundraising options on the guest page. Select the Default page mode from the drop down menu and also hold and move around the order that they will show on the guest page under Page Mode Ordering.
  • As a default your guests will be able to check themselves out from their guest page and if you do not want this option then check the box Turn Off Guest Self Checkout.
  • The box under the heading Suggested Donation Amounts on Guest page can be checked if you would like to show a set of suggested donation amounts to the guest when they click the donate button from their guest page.
  • By clicking on "Preview as a Guest" you can preview the event guest page without needing to do a fake/offline registration first. The guest page will let you view everything, but it won’t let you actually take any action since it’s a demo guest view.
  • Click on Add Tickets to begin creating tickets to your event.  Give it a name and a brief description if necessary (if there are perks or access levels that go along with your ticket level, this is a great place to describe that). Enter the Amount that this particular ticket will cost - if it is a FREE event, enter $0. Entering a Total Available amount will tell the BetterUnite system to count down and not allow you to oversell your event. Under Limit per Order, you can decide how many of this type of ticket any one purchaser may buy. Type of Ticket will allow you to select Single or Group - use Groups of tickets for Tables or Teams or any time one purchase involves multiple tickets. NOTE: You must first create a Single ticket in order to create Groups of tickets. If you are only listing Group tickets, create the Single ticket and Hide it, by clicking on the gear icon drop down to the right of the ticket level (here, you can also put tickets on Hold).
  • Put the number of tickets that are available to your event in the Total Tickets box and BetterUnite will count down and make sure that your event is not oversold. 
  • To create Combo tickets (a single ticket purchase that gives access to two ticket levels on one event or tickets to multiple, linked events), click Add Combination Ticket. How does a combination ticket work?.
  • Once your donor or patron has purchased a ticket (or you've added an offline ticket purchase),  they will receive tickets from your BetterUnite account, a receipt from WePay and any Default Email Note that you create here. This can be a 501(c)(3) tax acknowledgement letter, a thank you for your support, a Know Before You Go reminder list - anything you want!
  • Pre-Checkout Commentary is anything you need your donor to know before they complete their transaction and actually purchase (regulations or donation laws or disclaimers, etc).
  • Post-Checkout Commentary allows you to customize the page that your donors will see once they've purchased their tickets. This is a great opportunity to put a call to action, a volunteer ask, a redirect back to your website - get creative and embrace the opportunity to leave a parting message for your ticket buyer.
  • Read about WePay accounts and Fee Structure "Setup Funding Account (WePay)" These selections will be applicable ONLY to this event. 
  • Hide Suggested Donations: BetterUnite will always offer your ticket buyer or donor the opportunity to make an additional donation along with their ticket purchase. Click here if you DO NOT want this to be visible to your ticket buyers
  • Suggested Donations: If you DO want your ticket buyer to have the opportunity to make an additional donation along with their ticket purchase but you do not like our pre-selected amounts, here is your opportunity to customize those amounts to whatever you prefer.
  • Custom Label for Tickets: Are you selling passes or badges? Create a customized label for tickets to your event.
  • Hide Funding Goal: If you choose to establish a funding goal on the Basics page of your event, but don't want to make that public, choose this option. If you do leave the funding goal visible, there will be a thermometer line that increases toward your goal as you sell tickets that your donors/ticket-buyers can see.
  • Make Recurring Default?: BetterUnite gives your ticket buyers the option to make a monthly donation in the amount of their ticket(s) to your organization. If you DO want this option, click here. If you DO NOT want to make recurring default, leave this unchecked.
  • Hide Guest Info?: If your ticket buyer purchases a group ticket (table, team, sponsor level, etc) or purchases more than one ticket, and once your guest has completed their transaction and checked out, BetterUnite will ask for the name and email address of additional attendees. If you DO NOT want to have this information or opportunity, check this box.functionality. How do I pre-authorize guests so I can charge them at the event?.
  • Lock Guest Info: If you check this option you can stop the ability for purchasers or guests to edit the guest information at any point. You can still update internally.
  • If your event is a private or VIP affair and you do not want it listed on your Always On page, check Hide From Public Pages.
  • Establish a Maximum Donation Limit if you need to cap the amount of money that any one donor (or ticket buyer) is able to give to your event.
  • Registrant Requirements enables you to decide what information you would like to capture from your ticket buyer on a mandatory or optional basis. BetterUnite and WePay only require a first and last name and an email address to process or capture a donation. We have preselected many contact fields that you can make optional or mandatory for your ticket buyer to provide before they checkout.

Discount and Access

  • Discount & Access Codes: Here you are able to discount your tickets by a percentage or dollar amount or create a code that will make a Hidden ticket visible. 
  • Click Add New Code, decide on the code that you will give to your selected ticket buyers (using letters, numbers and symbols) and give it a Name (this will only be visible to you on the back end). Then decide what Type of code it is: Discount or Access. 
  • For Discount codes, decide how much money your ticket will be discounted (or reduced) by OR decide what percentage of your ticket you would like taken off. If this code only applies to specific ticket levels, click Applies To and select Selected Offers. Choosing Selected Offers will generate a list of your different offers and you can select one or multiple offers to apply your discount code to. Total Available allows you to limit the number of times this code can be applied by ticket buyers.
  • For Access codes, enter a code and give the code a title and select Type Access. A list will then be generated of your different offers and you can select which ticket will be made visible by entering this code. NOTE: Be sure to then HIDE the affected ticket. Here, you are also able to limit uses of this code by entering a number into Total Available.
  • Bulk Discounts are applied to selected offers and ask you to determine the Minimum to Qualify (in other words, how many of the selected offers must they purchase to qualify for a Bulk Discount). 
  • Once you have created codes, you are also able to put them on hold or delete them by clicking on the gear icon to the right of the code.
Table & Team Management

BetterUnite makes grouping your event-goers into tables or teams easy (and kind of cool). Click on Table or Team Management, depending on what you are trying to accomplish - you can always do both.
  • Table Management works with an easy drag and drop function. All of your ticket buyers will be listed on the left side of the page (the Table Management page will open in a new tab). You can create new tables by clicking on Add Table, give the table a name (if you're using table numbers, you'll want to write the table number before the name, i.e. 15 Happiness Sponsor), decide how many seats are at the table, and if you have Table Captains, you can write that person's name down as well. Click save, then click on and drag the ticketed guests over to the table. "Table & Team Management Overview"
  • Team Management works in the same way that Table Management works.  All of your ticket buyers will be listed on the left side of the page (the Team Management page will open in a new tab). You can create new teams by clicking on Add Team, give the team a name, decide how many people are on the team, and if you have Team Captains, you can write that person's name down as well. Click save, then click on and drag the ticketed guests over to the team. Table & Team Management Overview.

    • Create a Volunteer Event if you need to manage volunteers to support your event. The linked volunteer signup page will be visible on your main event page, unless you click Hide from linked event page under the Advanced options on the volunteer edit page. 

      How do I run a volunteer event?

    • Create an Auction if your event will host a silent auction. This module runs on Text to Bid and is a fun and engaging and low effort way to boost your fundraising success. Auctions.
    • Easily associate Call Lists with your event and engage your supporters, your board or your event committee in getting the word out to procure sponsors, encourage ticket sales or gather silent auction donations. Call Lists Overview.
    • If you want to sell tickets to your event on another campaign or event page, click on Link Campaigns and select the appropriate campaigns.
    • Provide Sessions if you have multiple showtimes or conference times or need to establish sessions for your event. What are Event Multiple Showtimes?

    Need Additional Help?

    We're here to assist you in any way we can. Don't hesitate to reach out to

    Let's go do some good.