Fundraisers & Peer-to-Peer
Giving Pages and Embeddable Forms
- Embed Forms & Buttons
- Online Fundraising Overview
- Donors Sharing their Support
- Campaign Communications for Online Fundraisers
- Default Campaign: Donate Now page (or Always On)
- My Fundraiser is not Accepting Transactions, Why?
- Stretch Goals
- Soft Credits
Peer-to-Peer Campaigns
- Peer-to-Peer Campaigns and Fundraiser Teams
- How do I add a Transaction to a Fundraiser Team?
- Peer-To-Peer Participant Flow
- Activate and Set Up Peer-to-Peer
- Create a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Page as the Organizer
- Is there a way for the donor to update their payment method for recurring donations?
- How do I hide child campaigns / team fundraisers?
- Can the organization add a Fundraiser Team for someone else?
- How to delete a fundraiser
- How to embed donation pages to your website?
- How do I change contact information on my campaign?